Monday, June 30, 2014

How To Drink on the Job Without Getting Fired: Ghirardelli Cabernet Matinee

Nestled in the rolling hillsides above the Finger Lakes region in Upstate N.Y. are expansive fields of grapes. Their vines slink up strategically placed stakes, plucked only when perfect for a deep red merlot or skinny bottle of ice wine, which tastes heavenly drizzled over a scoop of vanilla ice cream. 

Each winery offers different varieties that, for a few dollars and a friendly chat, can be tasted along with cheeses, crackers, and chocolate that all enhance the flavors of each wine. 

My family is fortunate enough that we've been wine tasting up above Keuka Lake for as long as I can remember, and my favorite combination of drink and treat has always been a full-bodied red wine and dark-as-night chocolate. It's something about the smooth, bitter taste of the chocolate against a dry but fruity wine that just melts together so well. 

As much as I would love to share this exact experience with the Studio, I feel as if bringing in multiple bottles of wine to work at 1 PM on a Tuesday would be somewhat frowned upon by upper management. Luckily, we found a loophole.  

Ghirardelli Intense Dark Cabernet Matinee Chocolate (hints of blackberry, too)

No, it's not chocolate wine (though that does exist, but it shouldn't). It's dark chocolate infused with a "hint" of natural blackberry and grape flavor. Sorry, no alcohol here, but it gets the point across. The chocolate isn't as dark as I like; it's probably only about 70%, when I prefer 90%. And the grape flavor doesn't come through much. But it's still very tasty, and the sweet but sour blackberry essence comes through loud and clear, a nice note against the smooth, somewhat bitter chocolate. If you close your eyes, you may feel as if you've had a cheap wine tasting experience. 

Not exactly the real thing, but as you can see.... one is complaining. 
Rating: 6. No alcohol, no deep wine flavor, but it's an enjoyable bite. 

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