Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Unique to the Rescue! Pretzel Shells with Sriracha Dip

As much as I look forward these daily SnackDowns, I think I speak for everyone when I say my waistline does not enjoy it as much. I suppose it may be too much to ask for Honey-BBQ Brussels Sprouts or Spicy Frozen Grapes, but something's gotta give here or I'm going to start wearing stretchy maternity pants to work.

If only there were a snack that truly cared about the inner dieter in every Studio member. A customized snack that could fit any lifestyle and taste of the muncher without all those silly calories! Who among you has the strength of will and kindness of heart to bring humanity such a beautiful creation and not disappoint!?

Unique Pretzel "Shells" 

Genius. Pure genius. Who needs the tasteless, dry middle of a pretzel anyhow? You know you only eat it for the salty crunch, and these "Shells" are all salt, all crunch, no pointless calories. And you don't feel as guilty eating 3 (or 17) because they're really only like, what, 1/15th of a real pretzel each? They're not, in themselves, the most addictive, tasty snacks, but what hard piece of baked dough ever really is? The thing about these, though, is their shape. Like a little boat. Like they should be filled with some good guacamole, or cream cheese, or perhaps....
Rating: 6. Nothing to write home about...yet...

Dean's Sriracha Spicy Thai Chili Dip

Fun fact about Sriracha: The company has spent zero dollars on advertising. Its marketing was done primarily through word of mouth. That's how good Sriracha is. And it does not let us down in this dairy dip, adding its perfect combination of spicy heat and sweet taste to the creamy "skim milk" base (healthy!). Now, take one of those Pretzel Shells and scoop it so perfectly into the dip. You've just created your own stuffed pretzel rod, and man, is it good. Don't be afraid of the "spicy;" it's not a warning but an invitation to enhance your snacking experience ever so gently. Plus, the creamy base balances whatever heat you may find unsettling. 
The one thing that bothers me is the "Thai" in the title. When I think of thai, I think of peanuts and coconut milk, of which this dip has neither. But I will forgive Dean's their discretion, partly because two tablespoons of this stuff only has 50 calories. I think I can handle that. 
Rating: 8.75. But combined with the "Shells"? 9.5; we sold out!

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