Thursday, June 5, 2014

Guacachip Proves It's Not Easy Being Green

I remember the very first time I had guacamole. I was 17 years old, and after many wasted years of avoiding it (for what reasons, I can no longer fathom), I took a bite and was hooked. The freshness. The trademark green-ness. It's salty, it's creamy, it's exotic and it's versatile. Spicy, sweet, with corn or salsa mixed in, the illustrious avocado dip could do no wrong! 

El Sabroso Original Guacachip (With Real Avocado powder)

...or so I thought. Introducing the Guacachip (rhymes with rocketship to mediocrity), the latest and greatest invention from the minds of the lazy. Why take the time to pick out just-ripe-enough avocados, squeeze the limes, grind the sea salt and add the love necessary for some legitimate mole when you can just crack open a bag?

Yes, they are the same color as guacamole, but the likeness pretty much ends right there. The taste is either overwhelmingly salty or underwhelming in that it just tastes like a plain old tortilla chip. The "guacamole flavor" comes from sour cream, cheddar cheese (??) and "avocado powder," whatever that's supposed to be. Perhaps if you dip the chip in some actual guacamole, it would enhance the guac flavor. But alone, it's just a downright disappointment.*

Guacachip is like imitation crab meat; sure, its flavor profile maybe could pass for the real thing, but when Alaskan King Crab is on the menu, it'd be a sin to order anything else. Rating: 2.

*It's been brought to my attention that I am, perhaps, a guacamole snob. I do not deny these claims. Rather, I invite everyone to be more cautious and careful in their guac choices. This is not a good guac choice, nor a good life choice.

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