Monday, June 2, 2014

Lay's Plus RITZ: A Vegan BLT

Trying to eat healthier, but falling to temptation time and time again? Are you sick of people telling you to eat more vegetables? (Seriously, you're an adult. You do what you want, gosh darnit!) Then throw away that limp, tasteless rabbit food and grab a bag of Lay's Garden Tomato & Basil: All vegetable, all vitamins, no guilt!

Lay's Garden Tomato & Basil Chips (Hey, potatoes are vegetables, too.)

Okay, so maybe this isn't the new diet fad to sweep the nation, but there is a picture of a tomato on the bag. That has to count for something, right? You're going to want to convince yourself these are just little crunchy V8 Juices because you're going to eat far too many of them. Not too salty, the tomato-basil flavor definitely shines through, though it does come in layers: tomato first, so barbecue comes to mind. But once the basil hits, just add some mozzarella and you've got a nice Caprese salad going on. Rating: 9. Pretend it's healthy. We won't tell

RITZ Bacon Crackers (Sans bacon. Vegans rejoice! Everyone else, not so much.)

What goes best with artificial tomato flavor? Artificial bacon flavor, of course! Alone, this RITZ Bacon cracker is sub-par. Yes, it tastes sort of like bacon, if you have only eaten burnt bacon bits off of a dirty floor your entire life. But it mostly tastes like a cracker left in a smoker. Which makes sense, because there's no bacon in it. Just "smoke flavoring," because apparently RITZ thinks we're dumb and can't tell the difference. Shame on you, RITZ! 

But with a stroke of creative, hunger-fueled genius, you can combine Lay's and RITZ's powers and KABLAM! Instant BLT sandwich! We've gotten mixed reviews on the mini-sandwich; to some, it's a godsend, while others scoff and complain of a lack of mayonnaise (which, frankly, would make the entire thing quite disgusting, if you ask me). But in general, this Diner-inspired combo gets a big thumbs up. 
Rating Alone: 4. Needs more pig and fewer lies. 
Rating Together: 7.5. Not the real thing by a long shot, but good when a craving hits. 

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