Friday, June 20, 2014

Epic Meal Time Would be Sad: Snyder's Bacon Cheddar Pretzels

Sometimes I think I should have majored in psychology. I am intrigued by the inner workings of the human mind, both conscious and subconscious. I am also somewhat obsessed with food (I know, I know, you had no idea!), and one of the most popular foodie choices nowadays that can be found in breakfast foods to desserts is bacon. 

It has a cult following; people who love bacon really freaking love bacon. And the interesting thing to me, as a faux food psychologist, is that they would rather die than eat turkey bacon but they go gaga over things like this:

Snyder's of Hanover Bacon Cheddar Pretzel Pieces

Now, I'll give Snyder's some credit here: to my surprise, there is actual cheddar in this snack!! And what's more, you not only can see it, but you can taste it, too! Props to you, Snyder's. But the bacon is conspicuously absent, reminiscent of our "B"LT adventure. Though there is some sort of intangible smoke-like flavor that swirls around the cheesiness as you crunch down on the tiniest pretzel pieces ever known to man, apparently smashed by the Hulk. 

It's not very salty, and it's certainly not sweet, and though we went through the entire bag fairly quickly, no one seemed to be in love with them. Rather, they ate them because they were there. The See-Food Diet in action. 

Rating: 3. You'll eat five handfuls, but you won't know why. 

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