Friday, June 6, 2014

Sweet with a Crunch and a Kick: Honey Sriracha Kettle Chips

There are some snacks that you mindlessly shove into your face by the fistful while watching 4-hour marathons of Law & Order: SVU (dun DUN!) until you reach into the bag and hit the greasy bottom, surprised you ate the whole thing. "It wasn't even that good," you lament.

And then there are some snacks that demand attention. Like soft-serve vanilla ice cream on a waffle cone on the first really hot day of summer. Or a steaming cup of silky hot chocolate, warming your hands as the snow falls.
And now, there's this: 

HERR's Extra Crunchy Kettle Cooked Honey Sriracha Potato Chips

These tasty bites have pulled "Mm"s and "Oh!"s from each participant in our food adventure today. Usually both from the same person, just 2 seconds apart. The honey sweetness is the initial taste, which, in my opinion, tastes very familiar; almost like duck sauce at a Chinese restaurant. Then the complexity builds with a sriracha wave of heat that sticks to your tongue. 

Each chip is an experience in itself -- this is certainly not a chip you can eat in large quantities. Multiple people have expressed how, though they really like it, they have to rest in between bites. Now that's a snack worth a few minutes of your time. 
Rating: Perfect 10. No complaints, just audible crunching. 

We're not big endorsers here, but we really do recommend picking up a bag.  

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