Thursday, July 10, 2014

Utz Sold Us Burnt Potato Chips and We Thanked Them: Dark Russets

"Waste not, want not." My dad says that all the time. It might just be an excuse to eat that last chocolate chip cookie that fell on the dirty kitchen floor, but he does say it. And when it comes to food, it really does apply. Did you know that carrot tops are pretty delicious and versatile? Or that, once you're done making your homemade guacamole (which I'm sure you're all doing now, right?), avocado seeds can be pulverized and put into smoothies for a crazy awesome nutrition boost? 

And then what about cooking "mistakes"? No such thing. I know some people who fight over the hot dog that got burnt the most on the grill, or the driest piece of chicken. So when utz accidentally over-cooked a batch of their potato chips, they didn't just throw them away! Instead, they came up with this:

Utz Kettle Classics Gourmet Dark Russets 

Their ingredients are exactly the same as their Original variety: "Whole fresh potatoes, sliced and cooked in 100% pure peanut oil, with sea salt added." But as we all know in Advertising, just slap the word "gourmet" on anything and add some flair to the font and you could sell water to a drowning man. 

I mean, burnt potato chips? How good could they be?

As it turns out, pretty darn good! Crunchy, crispy, maybe a bit too salty, which is a bit unusual for sea salt, which is known to be a bit more subtle than your average table NaCl. Guess they really poured it on to mask the overdone-ness, but it's not off-putting. They're pretty addictive, when it gets down to it. 

And I have to say, from a nutritional standpoint, I appreciate the lack of unnecessary and damaging preservatives, sugar, or "natural flavoring," whatever that means. Plus, they're gluten-free! Cholesterol-free, too, but don't get me started on that one.

Rating: 7.5. They're nothing out of the ordinary, but they do taste good! 

1 comment:

  1. The Best Potato Chips Ever George Crum Would Be Proud
