Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Official Potato Chip of Summertime: Maui BBQ

Ah, Hawaii. 

Soft, warm sandy beaches and palm trees swaying in the slight breeze. Sunsets over the horizon that turn any man into an optimistic philosopher. The sweet taste of frozen pina coladas at the snap of your fingers. Hawaii is the ultimate paradise, a relaxing summer escape from the noise and headaches of corporate life. 

Great for when you have $30,000 burning a hole in your pocket. 

And when you have a total vacation budget of $3.75, grab a bag of summertime, instead.

Utz Kettle Classics: Maui BBQ Chips
Utz promises a "fusion of sweet & sour," and as is customary with their Kettle Classics, they deliver. An initial taste similar to our overall winners, Honey & Sriracha Chips, it starts off kinda like duck sauce, or sweet & sour sauce (which makes sense). 

The thing that doesn't make sense is the name. BBQ? Where's the BBQ flavor? Ok, so there's paprika in it, but some red spice does not a backyard barbecue make. And the Maui. Exactly what in this is supposed to transport me to Hawaii? The sugar? (Because there is sugar, and not even "organic cane sugar" or anything that's supposed to sound "clean.") I guess the citric acid might lend a fruity undertone, but a blindfolded taste test would not result in a Hawaiian barbecue description. 

Don't get me wrong, they're delicious! Addictive, even. Tangy, salty, crunchy, sweet, all the things you want in a summertime snack. But they've been given a misnomer that will surely draw first-time buyers in but may cause Utz to lose some repeat business to a feeling of abused trust. 

Rating: 8.75. Change the name and we're good to go. 

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