Friday, August 1, 2014

Lay's Flavor Contest: Mango Salsa

It's back! The Lay's Flavor Contest is back in action and this year we have some very interesting contestants to taste. It's doubtful that any of these strange flavors will stay on the shelves for long, even if they are the Grand Prize Winner, so pick up a bag today if you want to put in your vote. 

Today's flavor contestant is...

Wavy Mango Salsa Flavored Chips: By Julia Stanley-Metz
The whole "sweet and salty" thing is taking over the world right now, and this definitely fits.

Now, I have to sneak in a disclaimer here: I did not taste these chips. And I may be a bit biased against them because they would probably kill me, considering I'm allergic to mango (and kiwi, case you're wondering). The one time I'm hoping everything is artificially flavored and Lay's finally comes through with using real ingredients. Darn you, Lay's.

However, there were enough reactions to this offering (my favorite: "WOW!....that's weird.") that I believe I can piece together what these taste like and whether or not they'll be the winner.

(Spoiler alert: They totally won't be.)

The mango flavoring is apparently so overpowering that it tastes like a salted mango. Which sounds kinda gross, to be honest. But it has the wavy thing going for it, making it a heartier chip. I imagine if you were to dip this into some nice guacamole or cream-based dip it might be a good mouthful, or it could backfire and you'll be faced with a senses overload instead of a nice balance.

Suggestions from the peanut gallery: Put this flavor on a tortilla chip. Wouldn't that make more sense?

Generally, people don't like it. Which makes me think, if this beat out thousands of other entries, wouldn't you think it'd be at least somewhat tasty? At least not off-putting? You can do better than this, Lay's.
Or can you?
Guess we'll find out when we try the other flavors in the contest! Stay tuned.

Rating: Public rating: 1. My personal rating: -1. It's so bad, it could kill me.

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