Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Lay's Flavor Contest: Wasabi Ginger

After the strangeness that was last week's Mango Salsa flavored Lay's chip, there were some who were skeptical of this Tuesday's offering. But once they took a taste, their fears turned to admiration and votes for this Japanese-inspired flavor:

Lay's Kettle Cooked Wasabi Ginger by Meneko Spigner McBeth

What a perfect combination of flavors, wasabi and ginger. The heat of the wasabi and the very specific sweetness that accompanies ginger just complement each other so well, and Lay's has really captured that flavor experience here. 

Beginning with the not-too-sweet ginger, the very crunchy chip ends with that wasabi kick (though, again, Lay's didn't shell out the cash for the real stuff. I'll let that one slide for now). The aforementioned crunchiness is a pleasantly new texture to carry these flavors that are usually atop soft rice and raw fish. 

And, of course, you can never go wrong with adding another taste profile (salty!) to the equation, making the entire chip very well-rounded without being overwhelming. 

General consensus: Freaking delicious, and it deserves to win the entire contest. 
There were some nay-sayers, and they are entitled to their opinion, however wrong it may be. 

Rating: 9. Seriously good stuff. Tell Lay's it should win.  

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