Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bad Marketing, Good Chip: Calavo Guacamole Tortilla Chips

Some of the world's greatest discoveries and inventions have come about accidentally. Penicillin. Velcro. Microwaves. 'Merica. 

And though I am hesitant to admit it, I believe Calavo has stumbled upon a genius new style of chip eating. They just don't know it yet.  

Calavo Guacamole Tortilla Chips

If you've read anything on this blog, you should know my hatred for guacamole chips by now. They never actually taste like guac, they're strangely cheesy, and I consider them to be a lazy alternative to something that I hold near and dear to my heart. 

So when BH pulled out these Calavo Guac Chips today, I was less than thrilled. 

Don't close your browser just yet! This is not going to be a heavy rant on how bad these chips are. Rather, I tasted these with an open and unbiased mind. And they were actually pretty good!

Salty (maybe a little too much). The zing of lime juice with the flavor of garlic powder sprinkled all over the chips. Maybe a strange, but welcome, dash of cheddar cheese.

All in all, a really good chip. Just not a GUAC chip. This tastes nothing like avocado. At all. Like, if you were to close your eyes and eat this and then list 100 things you thought it tasted like, filet mignon would be on that list before avocado.

However, this chip would be an excellent addition to a bowl of naked mashed avocado. It does not taste like guacamole all on its own, but rather like guacamole flavorings. 
So! If this was marketed as a sort of "Make Your Own Guac n' Dip Kit," I would love it. Why don't they do that? Seriously, Calavo, get on your game.

 Oo! And these would be excellent as nacho chips. Cover these bad boys with cheese, sour cream, beans and real guac and I'm a very happy camper.

Rating as Advertised: 2. 
Rating as a Guac Kit: 8. Yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. The particular color green of the chips underscores the fact they are trying too hard.

