Monday, August 25, 2014

Last Year's Winner: Lay's Cheesy Garlic Bread Potato Chips

I think we can all agree that Lay's dropped the ball on this year's Do Me a Flavor Contest. I mean, Cappuccino? Really? And the bacon mac n' cheese didn't taste like bacon at all, just smokiness. The mango salsa variety was far too harsh (from what I've heard). 
Their only saving grace was the Wasabi Ginger, a sweet and spicy combo that was really enhanced by the crunchy kettle chip. 

But is Wasabi Ginger, our predicted winner chip of 2014, better than last year's winner? Could it even come close?

Lay's Cheesy Garlic Bread Chip

The Do Me a Flavor Contest of 2013 was really on its game. Though the Runner-Up may not have been a fan favorite (Chicken and Waffles, in case you've blocked that from your memory), the ultimate winner has been on shelves ever since it was crowned Best New Flavor and seems to be doing pretty well! We had to see what the fuss was about.

Cheesy Garlic Bread flavored chips just make sense. It's a crispy carb that takes well to cheese (and since when is garlic not cheese's bestie?). This chip is just a smaller, thinner, crispier version of the Italian table staple, and it really does taste exactly as advertised.

Maybe that's because it actually has real ingredients in it. Like, you know, garlic and cheese. LOTS of cheese. Cheddar, Swiss, Monterey Jack, even Gouda found its way into the recipe. And you can definitely tell; it REALLY has a cheesy flavor, and the mix of different kinds was a good idea. Cheddar on its own would be too Mac N' Cheesy (and they didn't want to go down that route again), all Gouda wouldn't taste like Garlic Bread at all, etc.

And the garlic? Let's just say you shouldn't go on a first date after this. Or speak to someone less than 10 feet away.

Now, is it better than Wasabi Ginger? I'm not quite sure. I think in a head-to-head it might be pretty close, but I'm glad it didn't come to that. The world needs both of these flavors as a permanent option.

Rating: 8. Cheesy Garlic Bread shows them how it's done. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm commenting on your blog. :)
    I sit less than 10 feet away from you. I"m actually hardly 5 feet away from you...I hope your statement wasn't a hint... hee....
