Tuesday, June 10, 2014

We Need Some More S'mores, Cause I Didn't Get Any

Camping sucks. You were all thinking it, I just decided to man up and say (write) it out loud. It's hot. It's dirty. There are bugs that fly smack into your face and just don't give a damn; they just keep buzzing along. The last time I went camping (after much cajoling by my camp-mates), I began the trip by stepping on a giant caterpillar that crunched and oozed, and ended it crying on the car ride home because I felt so incredibly disgusting from not showering for 4 days. 


But the one thing I actually do enjoy when roughing it in the great outdoors is fire. And, of course, the food that accompanies fire. Hot dogs. Baked beans. And that do-it-yourself, cook-it-on-a-stick, miraculous dessert combination that is marshmallow, chocolate, and graham cracker. S'mores. 

Keelber S'mores Original Flavor (no stick required)

Apparently, a lot of other people love these iconic treats, too, because they were all gone by the time I went to taste them! Luckily, our Studio is full of food critics who have enlightened me as to what I missed out on. Turns out, they were awesome. These S'mores cookies have soft graham cracker inside, a slight twist on the traditional crispy cracker, but one that makes all the difference here, and for the better. The cream inside is not an ooey-gooey pull-apart marshmallow, a detriment to the cookie experience. It's more like Oreo cream. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but if Keebler was going for a real s'mores taste, they dropped the ball there. 
The elves' specialty, the fudge (not chocolate, people! FUDGE) coating is nothing less than sublime (or so I'm told...). 
Just light a pine-scented candle and dab on a bit of bug-spray perfume and you've got yourself a mini camping trip. Rating: 7.5. Could it get any better?

Keebler S'mores Peanut Butter Flavor (say what??!)

When I say I'm obsessed with peanut butter, I really mean it. I literally eat it every single day and I have for as far as I can remember. How I never thought to slather some peanutty goodness on a s'more is beyond me, but Keebler did it. Very successfully, I might add. But it looks like the PB replaced the marshmallow in this case, which caused Keebler to miss out on a great opportunity and a higher rating. Tsk, tsk.
And could you IMAGINE what would have happened if we had put this in the MICROWAVE for just a few seconds?! Ooey gooey fudge and peanut butter melting over soft, warm graham cracker? 
We need to do this experiment again. You know, for science. Rating: 9. PB always wins. 

EDIT: BH was nice enough to bring out some more S'mores and let me try them! And it turns out my ratings may have been slightly inflated. The lack of real marshmallow taste in the original flavor, replaced by legitimately Oreo cream, is off-putting; really the graham cracker (a bit too crumbly?) is the only real 's'mores' flavor you get. To be fair, I didn't try the PB one, but I think I'll just let that live as a legend in my imagination. 

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