Thursday, June 12, 2014

HERR's is Back in the Cheese Curl Game

We here at the Studio like to think we're nice people. We rescue kittens from trees all the time. And as nice people, we forgive and forget. So when HERR's, the company that brought us the atrocity that was Old Bay Seasoned Cheese Curls, came around with another creation, begging us to try it again, we didn't turn them away. We gave them a second chance. And the fact that they're cheese curls again really makes us saints. 

 HERR's Jalapeño Poppers Flavored Cheese Curls

The exchange was a win-win in this case. The crunchy curl creates an intriguing juxtaposition with the nacho-cheese flavoring, which evokes fond memories of neon yellow middle school lunches of nachos with that thick, creamy cheese (put that on a soft pretzel rod with a side of cold, mealy mashed potatoes, add in some mocking and ridicule and you've got my childhood). 

And then, of course, the jalapeño heat hits the back of the tongue, but not too hard that you can't enjoy the curls two, or three, or seven at a time. Spicy, cheesy, crunchy, and packed with flavor, these are perfect to accompany your next multi-hour (or multi-day) Netflix binge.
So HERR's, we forgive you. You've more than made up for your past mistakes. 
Rating: 8. We can trust again!

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